journals of a movie fanatic

semi-movie reviews. casting news and updates. more thoughts. blah blah blah. i'm not a good writer, actually. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED.


Chronicles of Narnia

good movie. it was all the more enjoyable having my sister with me to watch it.

critics have reviewed it as riding on the marketing of the Passion of Christ. why, because it's Christian? i haven't read the books yet (i mean to), but from my understanding, this is clearly meant to be Christian in the first place. yes, Aslan (the lion) sacrificing himself and then rising again was an allegory to Christ. yes, those on the lion's side, despite being frozen by the witch, who were brought back by the "breath of life" were an allegory to the faithful who will join Christ. yes, the fact that edmund returned to his siblings with Aslan's blessings was an allegory to a sinner pardoned.

all said, i'm glad it's presently doing well in the box office.


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