journals of a movie fanatic

semi-movie reviews. casting news and updates. more thoughts. blah blah blah. i'm not a good writer, actually. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED.


Garden State

stars: zach braff, natalie portmann

starring zach braff (who i heard also wrote and directed it?! woah!) and the brilliant natalie portman, this light-hearted story tells of a man coming to terms with himself, awakening to the spontaneity of life past the walls of his self-imposed restraint, with the unlooked-for "help" from strangers and almost-forgotten friends. it's refreshingly simple and unhurried. those two words should be enough to tell you to watch the story. but don't expect to be blown away, or coming out enlightened, altered or whatever. it does not celebrate life, but it does make you kinda appreciate its normalcy, with semi-quirkiness on the side (however weird that may sound).
whereas some may feel this is not really a strong incentive to go to the theatres or rent the dvd(ok, so i can't make a good movie review), one major highlight that i do have to mention is its soundtrack. i can't remember a movie where i liked the songs so much. coyote ugly was one, but it was more mainstream-ish; garden state had an indie atmosphere in it.

*some notes reposted from CH's blog*


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