journals of a movie fanatic

semi-movie reviews. casting news and updates. more thoughts. blah blah blah. i'm not a good writer, actually. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED.


Shall We Dance?

stars: richard gere, jennifer lopez, susan surandon

i originally intended NOT to watch this one, because it had j-lo AND richard gere in it (don't ask).
eventually, a neighbor got hold of this cd, and finding this one among a small few that i selected, i watched it. on the plus side, i did hear it having some good reviews (from close relatives) and some on the newspaper. it also helped, that prior to playing the actual movie, the dvd explains that this was actually a remake of the original sleeper-hit japanese one. and with that good an intro (hehe, biased!), i happily watched it.
it told of main character (gere) whose ho-hum life was in need of some jumpstart. of all the manly things he could've done otherwise, he tries ballroomdancing, and an out-of-the-blue decision becomes an interest, then a passion. he becomes alives, so to speak, and like the partner, gracefully guides the viewer to enjoy it with him as well.
of course, i love ballroom dancing! more than once in the movie, that urge to take up dancing just welled up inside me, and i'd find my foot, or hand, tapping to the beat of the music. needless to say, i got hooked to film.

*some notes reposted from CH's blog*


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